Remember this logo on Now Solutions business partner page? Here is the link:
Well, it has just been updated (March 2007) to the Software Developer Products for Linux on IBM System z page on the link just below:
Scroll down a tad and it is there on the right side of the page with the companies starting with M.
Hey!! Again! Not so fast! Also click on Micro Focus from the list of companies and you will notice under product classification it says: e-business Enabler
Now go back to the page before you clicked on Micro Focus and at the top of the page you will read this:
A note about Product Classification - "e-business Enabler" designates software such as middleware, application development (AD) Tools, Web Serving, Data Base, etc. "Infrastructure" designates software such as mail and file servers, performance monitors, operations, security, firewall, anti-virus, etc.
Can you say VCSY's Patented Products? What say you?
Thanks POS, you're finding some GEMS lately.
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