Just a post that makes you wonder what we will "See in the future" with Apples new Leopard operating system
due in October. Interesting times NOW & also coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From some Guy quoting some passage in some Bible:Now. Take SiteFlash and Emily and you can build a deterministic finite state machine (aka computer) using web elements and virtualized proprietary elements. That's what all the hoorah is about Vertical Computer Systems intellectual property.
"...he (David) took his sling and placed in it a stone from his pouch. He swung and aimed it at Goliath. The stone shot from the whirling sling with the speed of an arrow and hit Goliath's head with great force. Blood gushed out, and Goliath thumped to the ground, lifeless, before he had a chance to draw his sword..." GO VCSY!!!
Looks to me like Apple resolved their 'issues' that were delaying poor old leopard until October. Maybe some sort of kickeepoo joy joice rejuvenated the old cat. Well, good to see Apple lovers won't be splitting their livers like we all thought.
One wonders now what it was delating the finnecky feline all along is it weren't virtualization with Vista... maybe they said to hell with virtualizing with Vista and decided to virtualize with the rest of the world.
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