Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Finally... unstructured support... 2008????

Does this mean Microsoft database developers will finally be able to do what IBM DB2 9 (codenamed Viper) have been able to do for almost two years? Did you know that the DB2 9 users have built a virtualized version of the XML engine for MySQL? Check out this email we uncovered some time ago. I posted this a couple days after legofeel aka mirror mentioned a database vendor independence need. I always wondered where he came up with that phrase.

This #1:
is what difficulties a proprietary language bound database has at creating independence.

This #2:
is how the DB2 users use DB2 9 (codenamed Viper) to create virtualized versions of other proprietary databases made XML enabled.

Odd but #1 comes up in a google before #2 meaning somebody's only getting part of the story and seeing nothing but database problems when, in reality, #2 describes how the DB2 9 users create their own independences.

excerpts from #2:
The whole technical stuff is applied by the generator. So it
is easy to add new methods (in minutes)...

For DBMS independence, you can have more than one generator (which are similar to each other...

...we have generators for DB2,ORACLE and MySQL. ...

...we can sell our application to users of these three platforms without problems.

I always wanted to add MS SQL server, but didn't need it until now (no customer requirement)...

...almost no performance penalties, because every DBMS can have its
own SQL syntax (if required). And the little overhead introduced by the call of the submodule is a price that we are willing to pay.

end excerpts

Those of you struggling since 'Yukon' to make a SQL Server database handle unstructured material might want to give the folks at the user group in this email a tug. Either that or wait until next year for even a shot at the unstructured data world via Microsoft applications.

Why do you people put up with this kind of treatment from your vendor?

May 9th, 2007

Microsoft makes it official: SQL Server ‘Katmai’ due in 2008

Posted by Mary Jo Foley @ 8:39 am Categories: Database, SQL Server, Corporate strategy, Code names

Early reports turned out to be true: Microsoft is planning to release the next version of its SQL Server database, which is codenamed "Katmai," in 2008.

Microsoft announced officially its target date on May 9, the opening day of its first Business Intelligence conference in Seattle. More than 2,600 customers and partners are attending the three-day event, according to Microsoft.

Microsoft is expected to begin private testing of Katmai in June.

Microsoft's most recent version of SQL Server was released in 2005. Last year, Microsoft officials said the company wanted to accelerate the pace at which it delivered database releases by releasing fewer (if any) full-fledged beta builds, but stepping up the number and quality of Community Technology Preview (CTP) SQL Server builds. By obtaining tester feedback more regularly and rapidly, Microsoft's SQL team hoped to be able to release a new version of SQL Server every 24 to 36 months, officials said.

Microsoft isn't yet providing a full feature list for Katmai. But the SQL Server team is promising the new release will integrate with Office 2007, SharePoint Server 2007 and PerformancePoint Server 2007, which is Microsoft's business-scorecarding application. The Katmai release will be able to provide "reports of any size or complexity," according to the Softies, and manage "any type of data, including relational data, documents, geographic information and XML."

Katmai isn't the codename for SQL Server only. Microsoft officials also have used "Katmai" to refer to the next version of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager.

In a related move, Microsoft also is announcing on May 9 that it is acquiring OfficeWriter, a company which makes a Java reporting tool that enables people to generate Microsoft Office documents from any data source through a Web browser.

End article

Meanwhile back at the ranch:

What does database independence mean and why is it such a big deal to me?

First, each database from every database vendor such as Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, Bob's Data Boutique, have a certain set of tools to use to make the database operate. The thing is an application and it is optimized to be an application for handling bodies of data.

The traditional applications handle 'structured' data in the form of relational records and tables.

IBM came out with the first means of combining the 15-20% of all data that is relational or structured with the 80-85% of all data that is not structured and therefore must be dealt with in a different manner as the more traditionally handled structure boxes of data we come to think of as comprising the database industry.

So DB2 is a proprietary database like the others but with an engine or generator working on top of that IBM proprietary application that allows the data within the box to be expressed along with any unstructured data such as documents, photos, videos, presentations, code elements etc.

If IBM has been giving developers the ability to work with unstructured data and SQL Server maintained data... why is Microsoft not able to provide such capability as of yet.

Waiting for another industry market to mature? You're giving IBM a two year lead and that's letting things 'mature'. I have news for you, friend. Read VCSY patent and tell yourself... there's another way to transactionally virtualize proprietary data to arbitrary data in XML across http... and get your crayons out and do me a paper bag with something that can transactionally and thus deterministically transmute data from proprietary datastore to XML and back.

And then drop me a line and explain how you would build your database vendor independence that the DB2 9 Viper generator users seem to be able to so easily mate up with any vendor's database.

Any vendor's database to work unstructured data and Microsoft developers have to wait until 2008 to do the same thing.

Uhhhh... yeah. Paper bag. Crayons. Draw.

Why the crayons? So you can keep it real simple.

Why the paper bag? In case you hyperventilate trying to come up with an alternative method... or in case you spew your cookies once you reach the end game.

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