Some Reasons to like the REWARD to risk ratio of the infringement s
uit by Vertical against Microsoft---
The price of Vertical has been held back by the MMs despite the news hovering between .02 and .03.
Venue, East Texas which has a history of being Plantiff friendly and very efficient in moving litigation along.
Niro, Scavone, Haller and Niro, top flight patent attorneys form Chicago working on this one on a CONTINGENCY.
Disocvery could prove detrimental to Microsofts overall concerns.
Microsoft is accused of infringing on SiteFlash, a patent that appears to be crucial to the .Net Framework that is the future of Microsoft's play into using the web and software. This is high stakes. If IBM comes to own Vertical in the meantime, that could be a serious loss to Microsoft, putting them a long ways behind in catching up. They've already spent billions, maybe 20 billion and have little to show for it. Settling now and getting a license could resolve that potential problem.
Microsoft is trying to woo Yahoo with a 50 billion dollar bid. They would like to avoid the stain of another infringement suit moving into the public domain while they move forward with their merger bid.

The price of Vertical has been held back by the MMs despite the news hovering between .02 and .03.
Venue, East Texas which has a history of being Plantiff friendly and very efficient in moving litigation along.
Niro, Scavone, Haller and Niro, top flight patent attorneys form Chicago working on this one on a CONTINGENCY.
Disocvery could prove detrimental to Microsofts overall concerns.
Microsoft is accused of infringing on SiteFlash, a patent that appears to be crucial to the .Net Framework that is the future of Microsoft's play into using the web and software. This is high stakes. If IBM comes to own Vertical in the meantime, that could be a serious loss to Microsoft, putting them a long ways behind in catching up. They've already spent billions, maybe 20 billion and have little to show for it. Settling now and getting a license could resolve that potential problem.
Microsoft is trying to woo Yahoo with a 50 billion dollar bid. They would like to avoid the stain of another infringement suit moving into the public domain while they move forward with their merger bid.
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