And the hand off goes to Torvalds and we're look at 4 and Goal to go for the Sunbirds, Larry. Whadya say they make it an even 10 yards to the Goal and we'll call this one a corker. Am I mixing my metaphors?
You been mixing something, Joe. Looks like the Linux line got weak in the knees suddenly. They were pretty boastful there with that GPLv3 bravado but that was when Microsoft was weak and wobbly. They apparently have something stiffening their resolve and it looks like the Linux team suddenly realized the need for organization and frontal competence and competition.
Yes, Joe, looks like the Sun quarter back got clocked by a cheerleader and

Behave yourself Joe we got kids at home. Kids. You go tell your mom uncle Larry's watching out for her interests... and her ham, if you know what I mean. Har har har...
Looks like the Linux partnerships are being aligned. Rapid like, no? Microsoft gets Novell and Xandros along with LG for devices.
They got skunked by Microsoft plain and simple. Read this from Mary Jo:
Instead, what I was attempting to ask was whether users out there, especially those who’ve had a chance to play with the closed Leopard betas, believe there are features and functionality in Leopard that will leapfrog what’s available in Vista. I was curious because I often hear Apple officials and users assert that Leopard will be light years ahead of Vista once Leopard ships.
And this is not an accident. Somebody with sufficient power to make both companies kowtow to an arbitrary (it looks arbitrary to most as it is a usual fiscal year turn-over point for many companies. A place where management figures leave 'to pursue other interests' or 'to spend more time with the family' and the company announces a 'fresh new approach' to the business. That's what I think October is. A time to launch after taking a summer of samples to gauge real market.
As far ahead as Apple is, if Sun has a read-write ZFS as opposed to a read-only ZFS system on Leopard and if Microsoft has a read-write WinFS on Longhorn, then Apple is relegated to only reporting file system parameters with no opportunity to modulate the factors within the reporting file system. This means Apple OS is going to be relegated to non-commercial aggregation of computer units over internet or network. Games, essentially and entertainment.
The heavy lifting in OS/hardware platform file system use will be in system management methods probably creating huge computation platforms from aggregated Vista/Linux machines on Microsoft's part and Solaris/Linux machines on Sun's side. Apple, tossed. Google, in trouble and all within a few short weeks have the situations turned. Amazing to watch. Like a mountain rising up and snatching the crown jewels. Mountanous slow motions but so fast.
I suspect an Apple/Yahoo hookup. Seems like it would leverage Google's isolation and provide an attractive base for independents (small fry linux and desperates) to island out the Google/Microsoft war.
I think Sun got a head start when Bray realized Microsoft SOA tools were crap and bunked up with IP issues. Did McNealy get drop kicked through the goal posts of life and Sun took on an early relationship to heal their virtualization "issues"... just like Oracle, in fact? Both very low key, both scrambling for the bigger scraps.
Sun CEO to Torvalds: Let's work together
Days after Linus Torvalds discussed the possibilities of Linux and Solaris joining forces as open-source projects, Sun Microsystems Chief Executive Jonathan Schwartz has invited the Linux leader to dinner to allay his suspicions about Sun's motives.
"We want to work together, we want to join hands and communities," Schwartz wrote on his blog Wednesday. "We have no intention of holding anything back, or pulling patent nonsense. And to prove the sincerity of the offer, I invite you to my house for dinner. I'll cook, you bring the wine."
Linux is governed by version 2 of the General Public License (GPL), which Torvalds considers superior so far to the GPL 3 that the Free Software Foundation is due to deliver in final form by the end of the month. Sun's OpenSolaris software--the open-source components of Solaris--is so far governed only by the Community Development and Distribution License, but Schwartz believes sees GPL 3 could let Sun "converge on a uniform license" for its open-source projects.
"We love where the FSF's GPL 3 is headed. For a variety of mechanical reasons, GPL 2 is harder for us with OpenSolaris--but not impossible, or even out of the question," Schwartz said.
That perspective shows some convergence with Torvalds' view, who said on a mailing list posting, "I don't think the GPL 3 is as good a license as (GPL) 2, but on the other hand, I'm pragmatic, and if we can avoid having two kernels with two different licenses and the friction that causes, I at least see the reason for GPL 3."
Torvalds expressed interest in one Solaris technology in particular, ZFS (the Zettabyte File System), which governs how data is stored on hard drives, with built-in features to span multiple drives and ensure data integrity. But in what he described as his "cynical" prediction, Torvalds forecast Sun would find a way to keep ZFS out of Linux.
Schwartz took pains to deny that possibility, saying Sun is "interested in seeing ZFS everywhere, including Linux, with full patent indemnity."
And more broadly, he said, "We should put the swords down--you're not the enemy for us, we're not the enemy for you."
Linux can benefit from ZFS and other Solaris software such as DTrace dynamic probe or Crossbow network virtualization, and Solaris could benefit from Linux driver software that gives it broader hardware support.
"It's not predation, it's prudence," Schwartz said. "Let's stop wasting time re-creating wheels we both need to roll forward."
"We want to work together, we want to join hands and communities," Schwartz wrote on his blog Wednesday. "We have no intention of holding anything back, or pulling patent nonsense. And to prove the sincerity of the offer, I invite you to my house for dinner. I'll cook, you bring the wine."
Linux is governed by version 2 of the General Public License (GPL), which Torvalds considers superior so far to the GPL 3 that the Free Software Foundation is due to deliver in final form by the end of the month. Sun's OpenSolaris software--the open-source components of Solaris--is so far governed only by the Community Development and Distribution License, but Schwartz believes sees GPL 3 could let Sun "converge on a uniform license" for its open-source projects.
"We love where the FSF's GPL 3 is headed. For a variety of mechanical reasons, GPL 2 is harder for us with OpenSolaris--but not impossible, or even out of the question," Schwartz said.
That perspective shows some convergence with Torvalds' view, who said on a mailing list posting, "I don't think the GPL 3 is as good a license as (GPL) 2, but on the other hand, I'm pragmatic, and if we can avoid having two kernels with two different licenses and the friction that causes, I at least see the reason for GPL 3."
Torvalds expressed interest in one Solaris technology in particular, ZFS (the Zettabyte File System), which governs how data is stored on hard drives, with built-in features to span multiple drives and ensure data integrity. But in what he described as his "cynical" prediction, Torvalds forecast Sun would find a way to keep ZFS out of Linux.
Schwartz took pains to deny that possibility, saying Sun is "interested in seeing ZFS everywhere, including Linux, with full patent indemnity."
And more broadly, he said, "We should put the swords down--you're not the enemy for us, we're not the enemy for you."
Linux can benefit from ZFS and other Solaris software such as DTrace dynamic probe or Crossbow network virtualization, and Solaris could benefit from Linux driver software that gives it broader hardware support.
"It's not predation, it's prudence," Schwartz said. "Let's stop wasting time re-creating wheels we both need to roll forward."
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