Microsoft was blipping and flipping all over the place yesterday.
First they say they will virtualize the Home Vista versions. Then they said they won't.
Then they say Ubuntu Linux is great for desktops and servers. Then they say 'mmmmphhh'.
You're undecided now, so what are you going to do?
Microsoft's Windows Marketplace: "Ubuntu is perfect!" -- Eek!
Friday, June 22 2007 @ 09:35 AM EDT
This is too funny not to show you. Microsoft has a site for downloads of various software products, not just their own. It's called Windows Marketplace. Yesterday, for a brief shining moment, you and 10,000 or so other people could and did download Ubuntu Linux from a link on that page -- thank you, Google Cache -- which sent viewers to CNET for the download.
According to that page, Ubuntu is perfect:
Note: This is the desktop version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops, and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and e-mail applications, to Web server software and programming tools. Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.Version 7.04, named "Feisty Fawn," adds the Ubuntu Studio, a multimedia editing and production suite, to the distribution.
Heaven only knows that's true, simply perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. The part Microsoft got wrong is it says the license is "Free" and "No limitations". Actually, the GPL does set some limitations, like what you are responsible to do if you redistribute.
read more (40 words) 49 comments Most Recent Post: 06/22 11:57AM by Anonymous
It took me a few readings and a few peeks at the Google cache page but I finally figured out what is missing here. The word 'Linux'.
It says "Ubuntu is a community developed operating system". That's exactly the tactic they used in avoiding the use of the word XML. Redefine by vocabulary replacement.
I believe one solution Microsoft could use is to commoditize the business version of Vista (thus the virtualization) while maintaining family home systems in a different league and a different environment.
With Vista + "community supported server" technology, they could claim to be extending Vista without actually doing so.
That could be done for a number of strategic, economic or 'get something out of the negotiations' reasons.
So the Debian Linux is absorbed except for Ubuntu and they have a slot all set up in the Microsoft Marketing department for a punch this button distro.
It takes quite some doing to pull that kind of thing off. I would think it takes signoff from at LEAST a department manager or two to do that sort of thing. So this was no 'technology' goof on generation. This was a goof as in 'let the cat out of the bag'. More like let the car out of the garage and it rolls out into the Linux traffic.
Very funny. Very funny. The best laid plans of mice and men.
I wonder what has them in charges at MSFT all so flustered this week?
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