| Msg. 200742 of 200747 Jump to msg. # |
I know you are upset about how things turned out, but, you really do have to come to terms with the situation. You can't denegrate people and their concepts of value for months and months and then decide it's time to play nice within a few days. Flaring your temper when others don't immediately accept your unilateral declaration of peace and happiness fails to appreciate the level of hurt you applied to people and their intellects since you began posting about VCSY.
People don't turn as quickly as you will want. Not that fast. It will take a period of time for a testing of the sentiments you claim anew. For all the longs know, your attempt (along with kantuc) is nothing more than an effort to throw water on the fire that burst forth when you deleted the first 200328 and replaced it with the current 200328.
Claiming a VCSY long made up that post (others have the cop
ies from the original web pages thanks to the magic of email and only a complete fool would fabricate something like that) served to threw gasoline on the fire you should have wanted so badly to quench. (right: rheemer, kantuc and tepe) There is no quenching something when you get caught trying to cover one mistake... especially if the new action is similar to the first.
Such proclamation of innocence by condemnation of others is a character flaw that does not serve the condemner well when condemned. You know; claiming to want a kinder, gentler posting regime on the Raging Bull board only to turn around after your one post offering a truce is laughed at out of hand shows a lack of appreciation for the level of rancor you foster lo these many months while going out of your way to slam those who sought to converse about VCSY value.
So, you're going to have to practice long-suffering and humility before anyone will be able to forget seeing those two copies of 200328 seared into their brain. Do you know why I use the word "seared"? Because longs have suspected you and Mirror had some way of making your booboos disappear for a long long time. We've all seen situations happen throughout the past, but only with posts going away over time. This is the first one caught disappearing and reappearing transformed within one posting number. This one was so fast! And the replacement popped right up straight away after the first was deleted.
We know it was your flustered response to a signal by DC. He ridicules the idea, but, when you read his post, the only sensible line in the post out of all the nonsense he offered indicated Microsoft and IBM would be paying for VCSY IP.
You subsequently followed a diverjes' question with a stern blast that "nothing happened". But, you apparently had second thoughts about claiming nothing happened when DC clearly sent you a signal... and you knew you would have to take DC's signal and pass it along to your other operatives... and leaving "nothing happened" would throw your entire crew into confusion as they would be depending on you to interpret DC's signal.
So you deleted that first 200328 "nothing happened" and you wrote to still about not knowing what the question was. And you changed from a "hold" to a "buy" to underline and pass along the shift in situation indicated by DC's signal.
Such a strange thing is a mistake made in haste and high emotion; the error sketches out our inner conflicts in stark relief not soon erased from the graffiti stained walls of our subway minds. Perhaps we could all "buy" your contrition if it would hold up for more than just a couple posts instead of collapsing into a heap of bitterness as a response to the inevitable coarse comment about your actions.
Now, here's the deal. There IS a way to get every long to simply forget about what happened and let it all go, but it's an extremely hard thing for somebody in your position to do. Confess and apologize. Confess you've been working for months to try to hammer the conversation about VCSY in order to convince readers they shouldn't consider VCSY stock worthwhile. Then apologize to longs for claiming they faked a post which you clearly made.
That way we could all be one big happy family and celebrate the value of VCSY in the days, weeks and months to come, rather than having you slam and hammer everyone who writes positive words about VCSY and in kind have longs remind you and the world just what our complaint with you has been. That way kantuc could loosen up again and be his old self (he's become far too somber and conciliatory calling for a change in the rancor and animosity) and he could laugh again instead of quiver and quake.
Until you do come to terms with what you did, and until you do so with some form of apology about all the efforts you've made in the past to damage the VCSY conversation, I don't think anyone is going to be in the mood to let one cross word from you or any of your associated like-thinkers go without scrutiny and criticism.
It's a cold cruel world we live in, Brother Rheemer, where people consider money more dear than life. And when people discover someone being deceitful where their money is concerned, one is sure to end up with harsh condemnation and retribution. Would that it would be not so, dear Rheemer, but it do be. Do be do be do. And until such time as the lion lays down with the lamb in yon blessed Millenia, this poor old world of human nature is going to hold those who do wrong to a high standard of cleanliness.
So, if you want to continue posting on the RB VCSY board, I would suggest (just a suggestion, mind you - you're free to carry on as you desire) you make amends with the entire group of longs and the past history of abuses directed against them by confronting your lapse in honesty (maybe the day wasn't all that long that October 17th day), coming clean with your past and break open a bottle of "now that that's over" and we can all drink to the coming days of good fortune and success for VCSY and the VCSY stock. Otherwise, every time you post, you'll be having to do so under a barrage of criticism and complaint as you continue the hypocrisy of claiming to not have written "nothing happened" in the first 200328.
People don't turn as quickly as you will want. Not that fast. It will take a period of time for a testing of the sentiments you claim anew. For all the longs know, your attempt (along with kantuc) is nothing more than an effort to throw water on the fire that burst forth when you deleted the first 200328 and replaced it with the current 200328.
Claiming a VCSY long made up that post (others have the cop

Such proclamation of innocence by condemnation of others is a character flaw that does not serve the condemner well when condemned. You know; claiming to want a kinder, gentler posting regime on the Raging Bull board only to turn around after your one post offering a truce is laughed at out of hand shows a lack of appreciation for the level of rancor you foster lo these many months while going out of your way to slam those who sought to converse about VCSY value.
So, you're going to have to practice long-suffering and humility before anyone will be able to forget seeing those two copies of 200328 seared into their brain. Do you know why I use the word "seared"? Because longs have suspected you and Mirror had some way of making your booboos disappear for a long long time. We've all seen situations happen throughout the past, but only with posts going away over time. This is the first one caught disappearing and reappearing transformed within one posting number. This one was so fast! And the replacement popped right up straight away after the first was deleted.
We know it was your flustered response to a signal by DC. He ridicules the idea, but, when you read his post, the only sensible line in the post out of all the nonsense he offered indicated Microsoft and IBM would be paying for VCSY IP.
You subsequently followed a diverjes' question with a stern blast that "nothing happened". But, you apparently had second thoughts about claiming nothing happened when DC clearly sent you a signal... and you knew you would have to take DC's signal and pass it along to your other operatives... and leaving "nothing happened" would throw your entire crew into confusion as they would be depending on you to interpret DC's signal.
So you deleted that first 200328 "nothing happened" and you wrote to still about not knowing what the question was. And you changed from a "hold" to a "buy" to underline and pass along the shift in situation indicated by DC's signal.
Such a strange thing is a mistake made in haste and high emotion; the error sketches out our inner conflicts in stark relief not soon erased from the graffiti stained walls of our subway minds. Perhaps we could all "buy" your contrition if it would hold up for more than just a couple posts instead of collapsing into a heap of bitterness as a response to the inevitable coarse comment about your actions.
Now, here's the deal. There IS a way to get every long to simply forget about what happened and let it all go, but it's an extremely hard thing for somebody in your position to do. Confess and apologize. Confess you've been working for months to try to hammer the conversation about VCSY in order to convince readers they shouldn't consider VCSY stock worthwhile. Then apologize to longs for claiming they faked a post which you clearly made.
That way we could all be one big happy family and celebrate the value of VCSY in the days, weeks and months to come, rather than having you slam and hammer everyone who writes positive words about VCSY and in kind have longs remind you and the world just what our complaint with you has been. That way kantuc could loosen up again and be his old self (he's become far too somber and conciliatory calling for a change in the rancor and animosity) and he could laugh again instead of quiver and quake.
Until you do come to terms with what you did, and until you do so with some form of apology about all the efforts you've made in the past to damage the VCSY conversation, I don't think anyone is going to be in the mood to let one cross word from you or any of your associated like-thinkers go without scrutiny and criticism.
It's a cold cruel world we live in, Brother Rheemer, where people consider money more dear than life. And when people discover someone being deceitful where their money is concerned, one is sure to end up with harsh condemnation and retribution. Would that it would be not so, dear Rheemer, but it do be. Do be do be do. And until such time as the lion lays down with the lamb in yon blessed Millenia, this poor old world of human nature is going to hold those who do wrong to a high standard of cleanliness.
So, if you want to continue posting on the RB VCSY board, I would suggest (just a suggestion, mind you - you're free to carry on as you desire) you make amends with the entire group of longs and the past history of abuses directed against them by confronting your lapse in honesty (maybe the day wasn't all that long that October 17th day), coming clean with your past and break open a bottle of "now that that's over" and we can all drink to the coming days of good fortune and success for VCSY and the VCSY stock. Otherwise, every time you post, you'll be having to do so under a barrage of criticism and complaint as you continue the hypocrisy of claiming to not have written "nothing happened" in the first 200328.
Questions remain concerning this vast conspiracy: Who are they?What do they want? Is there an extra-terrestrial influence involved? Remember just because they may look and act human, doesn't mean they are.
Portuno has been completely discredited by VCSY's own management and has been under legal scrutiny for penny stock pumping. Be careful when reading anything Portuno says. He does not have a technical background.
最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ k.c.0720@docomo.ne.jp 連絡待ってるよ☆
夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ megumi-0830@docomo.ne.jp 連絡してね♪
ホムペ完成記念!私の事みんなに知ってもらいたくて頑張りましたぁ。色々とご感想をお待ちしているので思った事を意見してください。メアドはほむぺにのせてありますぅ!★ fan.jna@docomo.ne.jp
少し魅惑な自分をネットだから公開してみました。普段言えない事など、思い切って告白しているプロフなので興味ある方はぜひ除いてみてください連絡待ってまぁす。 hinyaaaaa@docomo.ne.jp
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