Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:17 am
Dear morrie33,
This is an official warning that you have violated Raging Bull's Terms of Service as detailed below: Personal Attack/Harassment Message you posted: (Board: VCSY Post number: 203003)
Why's rheemer so upset? I'm a LONG. I'm ecstatic that I can buy more at these l
evels. Another filing is upcoming. I'm not expecting any new news, but guess what, VCSY is still alive, in business, making over $6 million a year, and it's less than .02. I know what they have in the pipeline. I know what the possibilities are. As long as it stays at this level, I just keep buying more because I know it won't be at this level forever. All it takes is one of these connections to be made public. And then what .10, .20, .30, .40? And I'm not even including the MSFT case. That's secondary to the licensing deals VCSY will make. Yes, teapot will say “where are they?” And I'll reply, “I don't care right now, because I know they're there, and if they were public, I couldn't continue to buy more at these levels. So I'm glad they're not public yet.” It's called patience. 7+ years for me, and I'll put in more months and more years even, because the payoff is going to be HUGE, whenever it is, and I can wait. That's why I'm happy. Most LONGS are. rheemer, on the other hand, isn't here to be happy.
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 6:20 pm
An Email from Dan:
This keeps getting TOSsed from the Yahoo/Microsoft board.
Does the firing of CIO Stuart Scott signal a VCSY settlement?
On the same day(Nov 2nd) that VCSY and Microsoft were in a hearing over the lawsuit, Microsoft fired their CIO Stuart Scott. I can't see them firing him if they planned to let this go to trial, he would ultimately become their worst nightmare as a VCSY witness if it went to trial. IMO.

Mon, 12 Nov 2007 6:20 pm
An Email from Dan:
This keeps getting TOSsed from the Yahoo/Microsoft board.
Does the firing of CIO Stuart Scott signal a VCSY settlement?
On the same day(Nov 2nd) that VCSY and Microsoft were in a hearing over the lawsuit, Microsoft fired their CIO Stuart Scott. I can't see them firing him if they planned to let this go to trial, he would ultimately become their worst nightmare as a VCSY witness if it went to trial. IMO.
Does that mean we should hear of a settlement? I would think sooner or later. The whole idea of firing Stuart Scott is to keep the top guys in management out of the suspicion and you set the new guy up to take the fall.
That's why I(Port's view) think it's like this:
If I was Ballmer I would let the lower guys on the totem pole in the company carry out the plan and then have a way out when the lawyers said the discovery wasn't going to be going Microsoft's way. The top guy would be the CIO in charge of new technology and that's what Scott was. Markevich was the guy in charge of the Microsoft infrastructure and Scott was the guy in charge of new technology in Microsoft for using before it went out to customers.
So everybody below Scott would be using VCSY technology and only Scott and some engineers and laywers would know. That way Ballmer could wait until the point in the case where the lawyers said "we're not going to be able to beat this" and then he could fire Scott for some company "violation" he got conned into and poof the trouble would go away.
What would Scott say? Ballmer could say they found out he was using VCSY technology and they got rid of him the most unembarassing way they could and then he could tell the lawyers to cut a deal.
"Keeping people quiet" never works. You have to "Keep people stupid" and then cut their throats when the investigation gets too close. Poof no problem.
...fired November 2, 2007 with only explanation: "fired for violating company policies".
The one guy most central to any discovery efforts in VCSY v MSFT fired on the same day a ruling was to be given on the discovery phase of VCSY v MSFT.
Very odd.
Microsoft put out a news article about Scott taking on co-CIO role with Ron Markezich December 5, 2006. One day before VCSY returned to OTCBB from SEC delisting. Patrick Tinley, CEO of CDC/Ross was fired the same day.
Scott had left GE and taken the Microsoft position July 2005.
VCSY was cleared by SEC investigation begun December 1, 2004 - one day after VCSY was granted the 6826744 patent.
Very very odd.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Nov 2007 2:12 pm
_________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Nov 2007 2:12 pm
Dear morrie33, Personal Attack/Harassment Message you posted: (Board: VCSY Post number: 202791)
Keep the price low. I'm buying more too. I love the bashers. Ignorance personified. And they're doing all of us LONGS a service by helping to keep the price down here. Well, WADE is keeping the price down here, but when it starts rising the bashers bash it down. Thank you for my early XMAS present.
__________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Nov 2007 1:56 pm
Dear morrie33, Personal Attack/Harassment Message you posted: (Board: VCSY Post number: 202805). Further warnings will result in suspension or deletion of your account.
I am a LONG. I don't care who buys VCSY, when they buy VCSY or how much they buy VCSY. I am only here for my concerns and to protect my money from liars such as rheemer and tepe. They only want to steal your shares. They are negative. They don't own any shares. They lie, they cheat, they will steal your shares.
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 1:48 pm
Dear morrie33, This is an official warning that you have violated Raging Bull's Terms of Service as detailed below: Personal Attack/Harassment Message you posted: (Board: VCSY Post number: 202802). Further warnings will result in suspension or deletion of your account.
tepe and rheemer are dishonest and unscrupulous. They lie. They cheat. They steal. They are immoral. They are not shareholders. Yes, they might have 5 or 10 shares so they can legally say they are shareholders, but they're here for one purpose only to lie, to cheat and to steal away your shares from you.
Hi, Steve.
Say, shouldn't you be working to buy Yahoo or something like that instead of trolling blogs and message boards?
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Can port give any insight into this fella's resume/work for VCSY and how it relates to the timeline and such? I've been in pre-split and am hanging strong with my curiosity of what happened after the Fall 2000...why didn't the products take off?? We'll see soon enough I hope!
Portuno Diamo to me
show details 9:17 PM (1 minute ago)
The resume is very strong. I suspect he came along with the Adhesive acquisition by VCSY and got them started. Of interest is "Built customized SiteFlash installation for California State University, Fullerton, Department of Business and Financial Affairs" during 2001.
Note the Siteflash systems were built in traditional web programming technologies. That can be done today. MLE leverages what Siteflash can do. That's why the combination is far superior than Siteflash with traditional languages alone.
March 2001 to October 2001 was during a period when Microsoft had shipped Hailstorm and promised to revolutionize ecommerce through XML. Microsoft failed but kept up the promises for years and I would suspect VCSY took a beating trying to penetrate that market.
Thanks for the reply. I saw that "philosopher" on Microsoft Watch posted something to the effect that there's little evidence that Emily exists...? Like iNetPurchasing would promote a non-existent product at NECCC in late 2000, and/or still promote Emily on their website. And so we wait to see why, why, why...
I've followed Port's stuff from clearstation back in the day. I think there are many like me, just trying to stay educated about this and holding our shares and waiting...I prefer not to visit RB too's too emotional with all the bashers over there. Anyway, thanks for the o-portuna-ty to try to understand this very curious situation with VCSY.
I see at that Homeland Security and iNETpurchasing are Partners! Does this bode well for VCSY that these agencies may know about products (ie, ResponseFlash) beyond Emily for e-procurement?
In the absence of PRs, it's at least nice to see these partners on the same webpage!
Portuno has been completely discredited by VCSY's own management and has been under legal scrutiny for penny stock pumping. Be careful when reading anything Portuno says. He does not have a technical background.
Portuno has abandoned his delusional VCSY cause and you won't seem him posting about it here, or anywhere. It seems like there has been legal action taken against him for pumping this his favorite penny stock with lies and deceit.
You should ignore everything he has ever written. It will all be removed in due time anyway.
Portuno says:
Poor mirror is desperate for a chatting partner so he can justify his vociferous campaign against VCSY.
Mirror missed being able to even understand the significance of the powers in VCSY's IP to predict massive, interoperable distributed computing which came to be known as "cloud" computing circa 2008-2009.
Microsoft's entry into the cloud computing era is Azure which Microsoft announced November 2008. Azure matches claims of patent 6826744 quite well.
Microsoft's hesitance to move Silverlight 3.0, Azure and Sharepoint as a full-force integrated concept indicates they don't have hold of the 521 patent permission.
We see VCSY delaying the court date indicating VCSY is in the middle of negotiations.
We see Ballmer talking about all kinds of "future" work but not able to say he's on top. "If I win..." is how he describes the future for him.
And Mix09 fritters by with nothing but IE8 being released as a "surprise" that was sorely needed by Microsoft.
Here's IBM and Sun about to strip the market share off Microsoft partners and Ballmer still has nothing to power his partners and client into the heart of the internet platforming concept TODAY.
But, today like every other day since 2000 mirror has been pushing one view that's been continuously eroded as time marches on.
Mirror missed it because he's been dedicated to the same attitude Larry Ellison used to describe cloud computing as a hoax and bogus and "been done before".
Mirror's been shown by his own declared ignorance to be a consistent loser in arguments and events.
Of course, Larry Ellison has long since changed course and become a cloud computing vendor. But he's very far behind the curve as Fusion shows only limited capabilities when compared against what IBM and Adobe are able to show.
Those who believe like Mirror have suffered a serious setback in their ability to match the current track of those who adopted cloud computing concepts.
Mirror continues to hold a failed technology view with no-one to debate any technology with him... while the market shows his technology views are all dated and wrong.
VCSY's IP predicted the cloud computing age and the delays taken by VCSY in ending the Ross trial shows VCSY could play a card in the Ross trial that may impinge MSFT given the trail MSFT and CDC/Ross took over the years.
Remember, the court hearing of March 18 was to show reason why Judge Solomon should not end with a judgment - that judgment being against Ross.
Apparently VCSY has some reason to hold Judge Solomon from rendering their verdict.
Sounds like a hammer sitting above the head of anyone who thinks they can simply wait and muscle VCSY out of their position.
VCSY has all the time they need. Microsoft does not. CDC does not. As they continue, they must show cards to the industry as IBM + SUn and Adobe walk into formerly owned Microsoft territory and replace the costly Microsoft software with Microsoft-like solutions that cover the 95% of Office use cases.
The longer Microsoft walks timidly in the web world, they are vulnerable.
Mirror knows that. He knows the game is to play the hammering as long as they can to drive VCSY into accepting what Microsoft is offering. Apparently it's not good enough for Wade.
So mirror's work is to distort and damage the public conversation about VCSY and the reputation of VCSY and VCSY's management and shareholders. Wade has had to keep things as secret as he can legally do. Mirror adapts to that defense by using it as an offensive weapon. Mirror characterizes the silence as "suspicious"... all the while unable to explain why his excessive time on message is supposed to be not suspicious.
As he applies his work in the last few days before this next Ross case hearing of March 28 he has to be wondering who will blink first; Wade or Ballmer.
Ballmer has Ozzie's harried and bewildered engineers pounding on him to get Microsoft into the web game before it's all over for Microsoft.
Wade has VCSY shareholders demanding answers to questions they themselves can't create.
Mirror's future depends on the outcome. I like watching the whole thing, actually. It proves a great deal to me and justifies my time spent writing about VCSY technology.
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Guide: How to rip DVD to MP4 with the powerful DVD to MP4 ripper?
How to rip DVD to MP4? How to convert DVD to MP4? How to convert VOB to MP4? With the powerful DVD to MP4 ripper, you will not be confused by this question. Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum , the best DVD ripping program, can rip DVD to MP4 and convert VOB to MP4 easily. Free download is available.
Introduction of Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum
This DVD ripping program includes DVD to MP4 ripper funtion which can convert DVD to MP4 and rip DVD to MP4 and can also convert VOB to MP4 with ease.
With this powerful DVD ripping program, you can easily rip your DVD to all popular video formats such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, RM, MOV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, Xvid, ASF, etc., and audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, etc. with the fastest speed. There has been never such DVD ripper software supporting so comprehensive video and audio formats. You can get free download trial of this DVD to MP4 ripper to convert DVD to MP4, rip DVD to MP4 and convert VOB to MP4.
Compare to other DVD ripper tools, Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum is one of the best DVD ripping program with a DVD to MP4 ripper included, has more features attracting your eyes:
It can convert DVD to MP4 , rip DVD to MP4 and convert VOB to MP4 supporting many personal multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, PDA and MP4 player etc. It is available to auto-detects your CPU, so the ripping will be done at the best ripping speed. With this DVD ripping program, you can find many options to set or just keep default settings. It supports ripping DVD by custom file size. It can auto-split output file into several files to fit CD-R or other device. It allows you to select target subtitle and audio track. Output file size is adjustable, so you can compress movies to any size you like. It supports batch conversion, you can select all files you want to copy and it will automatically copy them one by one. It supports preview. You can see the ripping progress in preview window etc.
Step-by-step Guide: How to rip DVD to MP4 with the powerful DVD to MP4 ripper?
Step 1: Free download Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum, and run it.
Step 2: Launch DVD Ripper Platinum. The interface is as follows:
Step 3: Click Profile combo-box to choose MP4-MPEG4(*.mp4) as your output format:
Step 4: Insert your DVD disc into DVD drive and click DVD button to open DVD folder:
Step 5: Click Browse button to select a path for the converted MP4 files:
Step 6: Click Start ripping button to start to rip DVD to MP4:
OK, you successfully complete to rip DVD to MP4, and enjoy your DVD movie/video on your computer, PSP, iPod, PDA and MP4 player etc.
It is suited for both veterans and beginners - If you are a veteran, you will find there are so many options you can set, if it's the first time you copy DVD movie, you don't have to consider these options, just use default settings and rip DVD to hard drive in a few clicks.
You can free download this DVD to MP4 ripper to rip DVD to MP4 and convert VOB to MP4.
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