Sunday, September 9, 2007

A layman's View of VCSY part 3 - arbitrary

A Layman's View of VCSY part 3

“Arbitrary”: Latin arbitrarius = judged between

*****Section 1*****

If an operating system may be virtualized and if an application can be virtualized and if a body of data can be virtualized, can a body of programming code be virtualized?

Of course. A chunk of code is a set of instructions by which the computer carries out the desired tasks. Sometimes the code is a monolithic body as in a single-file application. Sometimes the code is a collection of bodies as in library objects. Sometimes the monolithic code provides hooks to access modular procedural segments in the file. Sometimes a developer can build a hook by finding a particular direct index into the file memory. There is always a way.

Either way, virtualization opens up the ability to treat data bodies and their uses in an “arbitrary” fashion.

Now, that does not mean capricious or willy-nilly. Arbitrary means we can use something without having to argue or worry about whether the act of using requires any necessary concern for details. Arbitrary is the basis for “agnostic”.

Patent 6826744 aka 744 provides a novel concept for application building by allowing ANY code of ANY language for ANY machine to be fitted and used with ANY other code of all other arbitrary qualities for ANY purpose including retroconstruction (what? The system can have children.).

So, whereas virtualization fits data to be used universally, arbitration fits data to be used without concern for use. Agnostic fits data for universal arbitration.

Most programmers are aware of the prior art in “wrapping” a code object in a virtualization layer (usually using XML but may also be done by proprietary means) which allows that object to be used with other objects not normally fitted to co-mingle.

744 takes this several steps beyond by outfitting and treating all aspects of all data in such a way. This is done in 744 by compartmentalizing the data into three classes relative to application building and use: content – format – functionality.

Content and format management are well known concepts from the dotcom era. But, as with Microsoft's segmentation of Silverlight/Expression for designers and Visual Studio .Net for developers, the dotcom era products typically had gaps in integration that made building unified applications difficult and often impossible.

Arbitration removes the gaps between various data uses to bring Content – Format – Functionality under one shop roof allowing the designer to also be the developer (to also be the manager to also be the maintainer to also be the governor) without having to be concerned with how the design or development is actually carried out in code.

Although this sounds like magic, virtualization wrapping demonstrates this sort of idea clearly, although no other applications before SiteFlash (the deriving product body of 744) provided a means or an envelope in which to handle virtual forms of content, format and functionality as one application package... or else the patent examiner would have been able to find an example easily.

There are many who say that's not true but we've yet to be pointed to an example, so, until such time, we are in the position of the patent examiner who approved 744 who also saw no prior art to block the 744 grant.

What does this mean to software development?

Arbitration frees the designer/developer from having to know much at all (if any) about the underlying code that is doing the work. A virtual layer abstracts the mechanical workings of “code” into a useful semantic construct that may be used like a modular component.

Some of this capability can be found in newly created projects like MSFT Popfly, for instance. The idea being various functionalities can be packaged as 'snap-on' components so the program can be built without any programming.

SiteFlash embodies this idea comprehensively by delivering an “ecology” in which all data/code representing each of the three assembly categories may be intercombined to result in applications built from any resource.

The three areas: content (the information to be presented or processed) format (look and feel – interaction functionality) and functionality (program capabilities) are handled and managed in such a way as to abstract the entire process away from handling code programming tasks in order to elevate the usefulness of virtualization to the end user and away from the programmer.

*****Section 2*****

Remember the sister patent 521? Remember how the “guts” or the kernel of the 521 process is a virtual computer built out of markup language able to process and produce markup language? Such markup language construction is able to build an abstracted construct around any data encountered whether content data (your name here) format data (your presentation here) or functionality data (your workflow here) so each compartment may contain all (any) content, all (any) format, and all (any) functionality from any resource (reachable via internet) to achieve all (any) computing purpose.

Each compartment is managed separately while each compartment element combined with other elements (of same compartment or different compartments) are likewise managed and arbitrated into an abstracted construction, transparent to the user and kept as a construct by the ecology.

How is that possible? There are a finite number of resources in any number of computers interconnected with each other. There are thus a finite number of possible configurations any application may be required to take. Within the body of a “program” there will be a finite number of possible components to affect a finite number of operational actions or functionalities.

A finite state machine (a deterministically transacting machine) is able to compute all possible combinations for all possible states and deliver the required combination to the particular use requirement at specific states.

All this is made possible because the inner workings of 744's virtual machine and abstracting language are based on markup extensibility just as 521 virtual machine and native programming language is made up of markup extensibility. AND such extensibility is dynamic as the markup is a script and may be compiled for ultimate package use at the client but may live forever in the ecology as a malleable script... which may be repurposed as desired for multiple uses... given the component nature of the compartmentalized content/format/functionality.

These kinds of statements make programmers angry because they are the attainable goals everone has said is an intuitively reachable goal, but McAuley and Davison are the first to build solid and demonstrable constructs to achieve these lofty “intuitions” wished for by IT heads. I don't think the patent office patents intuitions and wishes. I do know they patent solid and demonstrable first art constructions.

That's why VCSY owns these two lawfully granted patents. That is why programmers everywhere are likely angry at VCSY. Possible angry enough to say some very stupid, libelous and tragic things.

I realize it sounds like magic just as Forth programming sounded like magic to traditional language programmers in the 70's and 80's. Because FORTH used a tiny virtual machine as the interpreter for all FORTH primitives built into vocabulary words, the programmer could fashion the application to do whatever he liked by defining words (objects) in a vocabulary (library) into compilers and interpreters which were thus used to construct the program. Then, the program is assembled by placing the words from each vocabulary in an appropriate sequenced position in a newly defined word. This word (procedure) was likewise placed in the vocabulary (library) allowing the developer to now use an abstracted form of the workflow he was attempting to achieve. Thus, Forth could evolve to become human language syntax which was the basis for further programming construction.

SiteFlash is a cousin to such a concept but distinctly different in execution.

The traditional procedure-assembly of objects that ultimately provide extensibility is the foundation for all current and prior IDE's and is what confuses 744 readers who quickly forget what the patent is saying and begin crying foul for something so “obvious” and “overly broad”. They are wrong because of the nature of 744 and 521 construction which render the very fabric of these patents extensible BY NATURE: At the core, as it were. NATIVELY extensible so the kernel can become anything at any time for any use.

So, “obvious” and “too broad”? Not so. The elementally extensible virtual machine concept (instead of a procedural compiler assembling object blocks as in procedural languages like C) allows the programming base elements to take on ANY form, thus, the VM may change to accommodate the code, allowing to abstract code chunks without changing or even touching the code.

Traditional programming languages force the programming environment to adhere to a carefully structured syntax and form with the objects providing some measure of abstracting capability.

Extensible programming languages and ecologies allow the programming environment to morph dynamically (real time) to accommodate the changing needs of the code user without ever having to change the base code.

Thus, write once, use many becomes write once use ANY.

Some will think it's a matter of semantics, and it is. Semantics describe architecture and operational structure which are what ultimately determine real capability and reach. The word to hack between the traditional method and the 744/521 method is “extensibility” - the same “eXtensible” found as the base abstract in XML.

So, the bottom line is; any “virtual machine” dependent on an object oriented/library based code pool (like JAVA) will offer only a limited abstracting facility because the “virtual machine” employed is not itself extensible. It is what it is and the main office will have to bring their developers to bear on the kernel to build in further “extensions” when they get around to it or when the corporate office figures they've pissed off enough customers.

With a markup language based kernel, the kernel may morph at any time to whatever extension necessary, then become whatever other entity required next.

Cool, huh? That same capability can be found in the 521 patent which now explains how 521 can virtualize and abstract in a very granular way while 744 virtualizes and abstracts in a platform wide way.

This adaptability of the virtual machine to the virtual use results in very small code bases that serve very large programming frameworks.

Such capability finds a greater kinship with simulation/emulation than “programming”. Thus, 744 SiteFlash and all derivatives may simulate or emulate any abstraction of any code (it may even become a particular computer architecture as needed – thus virtualizing and abstracting even computer hardware into an emulation of any hardware process) at any level or scope just as the 521 patent may emulate/simulate any data virtualizations/abstractions at any level or scope including at the machine code.

This pseudo “overlap” in 744 and 521 provide a seamless and bumpless capability for an “application” to integrate as an operating system + application + any resources needed... into a single package that may be shipped to the client and run.

And that brings us to 744's strength: massive affiliation.

Because 744 can integrate ANY abstraction, the user may employ various standards of specification, construction, management, maintenance, governance at any targeted point in the entire framework.

This capability is echoed in 521 so scaling is extensibly flexible according to the information theory speaking to granular construction of abstracted components to abstracted applications. 744 covers component assembly of abstracted capabilities of abstracted applications to abstracted frameworks and ecologies.

Reversely, the extensible nature also allows 521 to create applications that create operational components. 744 allows ecologies that create operational cultures.

And then you can take those and fold them into another evolution of components and cultures ad infinitum.

So, Siteflash can accomplish all this by itself using markup and code libraries. But, adding 521 allows 744 to fly. So 744 by itself? OK. 744/521? Unbeatable.

Then, there is the ability to massively affiliate this “program” to all users anywhere on any machine with any requirements. The program continues to be a part of the ecology for its entire life-cycle (as long as an internet connection is available or cache is long-lasting and comprehensive enough which may be seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years... etcetera etcetera etcetera) and is able to track its processes by virtue of the granular governance and audit capabilities in elements built out of 521.

How? The package arrives with all necessary requirements (which have been extracted from the metadata passed between server and client machines) that allow all possible conflicts in construction and use to be resolved dynamically in the SiteFlash base before the package arrives. Once there, the package has been abstracted for that particular use case (requirement/design/construct is an abstracted workflow in SiteFlash so it self-assembles from object in the library to application body) and is fitted for THAT specific use.

Because SiteFlash is an ecology covering ALL aspects (which may be added to or taken from the libraries at any time) of the software use, the delivery tailored for each computer allows large communities of computer users to engage in community collaboration with the level of their local client being factored into the use.

THAT is where computers should be right now. But, they are sadly not, except in some areas which appear to be using SiteFlash capabilities apparently under some sort of use permission by the inventor and VCSY.

This embodiment of arbitrary use frees the machine's ability to virtualize data for human use and to allow machines to take over a larger part of the build process.

Onward and upward.

And just a word about “obvious” and “too broad”. These are not words subject to the wishful fantasies of people so entangled in the life and death struggle for paradigm relevance they know only their part of the river and parts downstream. The effort from C. Babbage through A. Turing and through C. Moore has been a greater sophistication toward simple elegance in processing numbers and ultimately human words and abstractions. That is the goal even though others want to hold their monopolies on productivity and advanced thought.

A programmer today is not intellectually fitted to explore parts of the river upstream because his knowledge base requires he either acquire new knowledge or invent new knowledge. The first is far easier than the second if the programmer can swim against the current. The first is just as remotely possible as the second if the programmer will only kick and scream at the shoreline. The first is more impossible than the second if the programmer floats on his back and blows bubbles.

Such is the nature of abstraction that the closer we get to machine intelligence the more stupid our workers will become. We only see hints of it now. We will one day wonder how we didn't all drown in our own goo in our sleep.


Anonymous said...

As a longtime software engineer, I can say that this is one huge load of BS.

Anonymous said...

So, kantuc, is that you? Sounds like you.

Well, there's plenty of room here, cowboy. Let's hear your dissertation.

Tell us all where the crap is.

I'm betting you can't do it.

mirror said...

First of all, it is all crap because the patents are so general that they can be interpreted any way you want. No where is there anything published that backs up your interpretation of the patents, not even the company will back up your claims.

A general patent for the general idea of creating websites with from using a distributed architecture would never stand up to a challenge. Right now, nobody can be bothered to challenge it.

The simple fact is that nobody has recognized the greatness or uniqueness of VCSY's patents. Nobody but you. Therefore it is all in your head.
The End.

Anonymous said...

DO you know why I know you're wrong? You're trying so hard to get your point across now. Why now after you've had so many years to make your case?

Microsoft settled. Microsoft has a license for 744. The patent describes a method for building distributed web applications and web operating systems. End of story.

Sorry you lost on the future and sorry you now have to work yourself so hard to try to convince people you were right.

Remember, you're the one who's calling cloud computing "bogus". Those who understand the technology and can see what's happening in the industry see your futile, feckless attempts are a desperate frantic panic.

Wave your arms and jump up and down. Maybe somebody will pay attention to you.

逆円助 said...


精神年齢 said...


メル友募集 said...

最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆

家出 said...


動物占い said...


家出 said...


セレブラブ said...


夏フェス!! said...

夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪

無料ゲーム said...


素人 said...


出会い系 said...


逆援助 said...


友達募集 said...


家出 said...


人妻 said...


素人 said...


友達募集中 said...


mirror said...

The interpretation by Portuno of those patents are very flawed even if they were accurate.

Why don't we start with this MLE kernel-swapping thing? Sounds kind of cool, with notions like software that runs on "bare metal" etc.

But I doubt anyone even knows what any of this means. There are parts of the kernel, like memory pages, that can be swapped in and out for certain kinds of efficiencies, but you cannot swap out the entire processing kernel and load an alternative microkernel without introducing a variety of risks to the security and function of the host computer, so this is not something that can be casually introduced.

Portuno may have been referring to "hyervisors" which are microkernels used for virtualization but you can read for yourself that these are nothing new. The hypervisor approach has been in commercial use (e.g. VMWare) for many years (pre 2000) and the history of their development goes back DECADES.

Portuno was probably also stealing from existing "exokernel" concepts which also predates VCSY.

"The exokernel concept has been around since at least 1994,[1] but as of 2005[update] exokernels are still a research effort and have not been used in any major commercial operating systems. A concept operating exokernel system is Nemesis, written by University of Cambridge, University of Glasgow, Citrix Systems, and the Swedish Institute of Computer Science. MIT has also built several exokernel based systems, including ExOS."

VCSY's micro/exokernel of patent '521 would have to be a specific piece of code, AND its implementation would have to be superior to existing micro/exokernal in some way to be meaningful. Since there is no documented implmentation of VCSY microkernal, I strongly doubt that is the case.

In fact, VCSY's web site doesn't even mention this technology of their's anymore. It's woefully useless at this point.

Anyway, it isn't too hard to check Portuno's technobabble and discover how empty it actually is, and how much of it has been stolen from OLD ideas

Anonymous said...


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לפרטים נוספים נא גשו לאתרנו - [url=]כפר בעיר[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Anonymous said...

רציתי לחלק אותכם בחוויה אותו עברתי לאחר הפיגוע בדולפינריום. במהלך שלוש שנים לאחר המאורע, הרגשתי מדוכאת, חסרת שמחה, עייפה ומדוכדכת. עם טיפולים רפואיים רגילים לא יכולתי להשתקם וכתוצאה מכך פניתי ל- [b][url=]עיסוי[/url][/b] רפואי אלטרנטיבי. ייעצו לי על מעסה מקצועי מ - עיסוי עד הבית, אשר מכיל מסאז איורוודה מצויין אשר גרם להתעוררות חושים תוך טיפול אחד בלבד. כזה שינוי בחיים לא חוויתי, אומנם זה היה טיפול מסאג איורוודה ראשון, השתפר לי המצב הרוח, פיזרתי את השיער ויצאתי מה- [b][url=]מסאג[/url][/b]' עם כח מחודש, מחייכת ומוכנה להמשיך הלאה.

עיסוי האיורוודה הוא עיסוי רפואי משולב עם ריח של קטורת, מוזיקה נעימה וריח של קטורת. בהתחלת העיסוי יש מגע מפנק על המגבת אחרי שחשפנו את הגוף מכף רגל ועד ראש. מריחת שמן חם מכף רגל ועד הראש, אחרכך תנועה עדינה ומלטפת מכף רגל ועד ראש ובחזרה. לאחר כמה תנועות מפנקות עוברים לצד השני של הגוף, אחרי אותם תנועות על צידו השני ישנו תהליך של לחיצות רפואיות כי הגוף התרגל למגע מפנק ומרגיע ודבר זה גרם לשרירים להרפות מעט... כל זה בטיפול פרטי של [b][url=]מעסה[/url][/b] מקצועי עד בית הלקוח!

אני לא האמנתי שדברים כאלו יכולים לקרות עד אשר התענגתי עם מסאז שוודי מושקע כלכך, המעסה המקצועי הגיע עד לביתי עם מגע שלא הכרתי אשר לא תיארתי שיכול להיות. ממליצה לכל אחד ואחת אשר מעוניינים ב עיסוי רפואי, [b][url=]מסאז[/url][/b]' או פינוק מטריף חושים בחג על


Anonymous said...

электронные сигареты американские - дым от сигареты