By: benjaamin
02 May 2007, 08:55 PM EDT
Msg. 184014 of 184017
(This msg. is a reply to 184009 by riffraff51.)
Tepe.......I guess maybe you'd have to read in between the lines to understand what is going on. I know we've told you a thousand times so, in fact, reading in between the lines for me in this situation would be, that you just don't get it. But I'll try. If you read VCSY's website it says they market through its "distributors". Now its almost like an oil company or a metals company. We know cars use metal, they also use gas. But you never hear of these companies marketing these base products themselves.(for the most part) They sell to other companies and those companies do what they will with the base material. VCSY has "internet core technology" which sort is the equivelant here, in a way. What others choose to make with this technology is their choice.(And you can make amazing things with VCSY technology, you can even make things that make things) Now you might ask, because you've asked it a thousand damn times "well uh, where is the revenue? How come it doesn't say so in their quarterly's?" Good question, tepe. They are probably letting the big companies market(IBM, ADOBE(makes sense since adobe does electronic documents, and data is everything) these applications to figure out a pay scale of which to pay VCSY. After all, why charge them x amount when the impact might be more or less that what was previously thought. The other reason they're probably not mentioning any reason is the same reason they've never anounced these contracts that the good treeforters find out about through some good hard DD. That reason, I don't know, but I have a feeling. But how many pearls can you give away for free anyway, especially to you tepe. Think about it. Did they mention anything of the cease and desist order for MSFT in February? NOoo. So don't think just because someone doesn't tell you all their valuable little secrets that they don't have any. Also, why waste money marketing VCSY's products themselves? Especially when you can have big companies do amazing things with the technology and have THAT speak for itself. And they have the patents, that alone is some pretty damn strong marketing in itself. Because when the big boys realize that they've stepped into someone else's territory when they need to do web-based applications to survive with the trend of things, obviously the legalities will send them towards VCSY. Besides if I was IBM and working with VCSY since 2001 would I want to step out and tell others what I was doing so I could lose my head start in a new evolution of computing?(And thats what this is) IBM developed these products which took five years and are now starting to market them, and it all sounds soooo, well just so familiar. And if you think your ears are decieving you, then read between the lines, MSFT built this whole beautiful(not really) house on this nice hill and realized it wasn't even their property. Thats a mess. IBM isn't that stupid.
I told my mom to destroy that picture.
I hope you know that picture is of tepe. My next question would be, why would your mom have a pic of tepe?
I figured it was of me. Don't ask why......It was late last night when I posted. Being a server and dealing with the public sometimes puts you out of it.
Besides I took coffee out of my diet, haven't been thinking too clearly lately ; ) Apparently its not good for the kidney's. Who would have thought?
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